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The Swedish Arbitration Portal provides free access to English translations of Swedish court decisions on arbitration issues. The Portal contains decisions from all instances of the Swedish courts on issues related to both international and domestic arbitrations. The case database is updated regularly as new translations of court decisions are available. 

The Swedish Arbitration Portal is facilitated by the SCC Arbitration Institute (the SCC). The project’s mission is to increase transparency in arbitration by making Swedish case law more accessible to the international community. The unofficial English case translations are provided by the SCC, with the assistance of Swedish arbitration practitioners. The Portal can be accessed through the SCC’s website, www.sccarbitrationinstitute.se.


The Supreme Court

Judgment in The Supreme Court, 27 December 2023. Case No. Ä 2885-23 Summary: The Supreme Court ruled on the question of whether there was a barrier to the enforcement of an arbitral award regarding the party's obligation to compensate the counterparty for...

The Supreme Court

Judgment in The Supreme Court, 17 May 2023. Case No. Ö 4116-22 Summary: After certain disputes arose over several fuel caps delivered in 2020, the claimant filed a lawsuit against the respondent before the District Court requesting the District Court to order...

The Supreme Court

Judgment in the Supreme Court, 14 December 2022. Case No. T 1569-19 Summary: A fund company seated in the EU prevailed against an EU member state in an arbitration under a BIT, whereby the arbitral tribunal found that the EU member state had violated the FET...

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